Alzip XG Duo Gray
¾ËÁý ¿¡ÄÚ¸ÅÆ® XG µà¿À ±×·¹ÀÌ (280 x 140cm) Áï½Ã¹è¼Û
280 x 140 x 4 cm
Special Price
Price $484.00 ¡æ$435.60 ¡æ $338.80 30% Off
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30% off until 3/31
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338.8 USD
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Please read the information below before purchasing :

-Any returns without defect will require a round trip
shipping + 10% restocking fee (this can be anywhere from $100-$200 per mat)
-There can be up to 3% difference in length / size of the mats

-PVC mats can have chemical smell can remain for awhile and will go away
after 10-20 days of use. Leaving the mat outside to air out is recommended.
-We do not recommend this product for people who are overly sensitive to such smells

-Roll mats can have wrinkles and can take 10-20 days to straigten out. The wrinkles
on the mats, come naturally as they are rolled up in the box. This is not a defect
on the product.

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Product Detail Review (0) Product Q&A (0) Return/Exchange
Product Detail Review (0) Product Q&A (0) Return/Exchange
return/exchange policy

return/exchange process
1. contact customer service at shop@kmarket365.com within 7 days of receiving the order
2. customer service will aid customer with the return process
3. customer service will contact customer when the return process is done

return/exchange policy
1. all returns must be processed with the steps above
2. mis-shipped, defective and damaged orders will be returned/exchanged without shipping charges
3. customers must pay for all shipping costs if it is a regular return
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